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Tea Party Money Makers- Raise Funds with Flair

A Tea Party fundraising event is a low-cost, easy to arrange event which works in most communities. Because of its simplicity you can hold a Tea Party fundraiser at quite short notice, but like all fundraising events it will work best when you have done some proper planning and put energy into advance promotion. 

To theme or not to theme?

Wherever you decide to hold your Tea-party fundraiser, you can brighten up the venue with printed balloons, flowers and tea accesories. Remember, if your non-profit has a brand, your choice of colors and venue will go hand-in-hand with what you choose to do. TEAinTEXAS can offer a range of planning services and ideas while giving much freedom to tea-party planners. And if yours is a regular event, there is nothing wrong with an understated approach. You are likely attracting regulars for more social reasons other than fundraising.

Widening support for your charity & Tea-Party!

Let local businesses know what you're doing and how your non-profit can turn this event into positive impact. In that way might they ‘buy-in' to your cause with free food, drink and raffle prizes. Try your local bakers to see if they will prepare scones for use as a raffle prize or for serving.

Also ask friends for help with the organizing. Two heads are better than one and twice the fun!

Tea for 2... Tea for 10

Who would have thought Tea event promotion could offer anything meaningful to work with? But as you can see, it's fun and it's work. Location, numbers attending, prices and times could offer a range of marketing opportunities. For example, Tea for two for $20 each. Anything that might help burn your message brightly into prospects' brains.

Afternoon tea

Serve a traditional afternoon tea for your friends and family. Don't forget the cucumber sandwiches and scones with clotted cream and jam!

Garden party

Soak up the sun and enjoy a refreshing cuppa with friends and family.


For the adults who prefer something a little stronger! Invite your friends over for a Long Island Iced Tea or tea cocktail.

Tea dance

A chance for you to show off your ballroom moves (or some other genre!). Book your local hall and hire a band to organize a classic tea dance. Combine it with afternoon tea and charge for entry with some free refreshments included.

Stir up those pinkies! Promote your event.

Use posters, leaflets and invites to let others know about your fundraising tea party. If you'd like to invite people from the wider community, place your posters in local stores and salons. Create a press release to promote your event to your local media – newspapers and radio. Include anything original or quirky to help your story stand out. 

Extra! Extra!

There are plenty of ways to raise extra cash at your Tea Party Event. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

  • Serve cakes, biscuits, sweets and other refreshments as well as tea. Have a baking competition– and theme it around unusual shapes for ice cookies or cakes.
  • Why not sell your non-profit greeting cards and gifts? 
  • Hold a live raffle or silent auction
  • Have additional entertainment: hat contest, tea cup exchange, etc.
  • Ask your guests to pay to have their tea leaves read. Hire a professional or have a fun go yourself!
  • Set up 1 or 2 collection boxes around the room (near where the beverages are being served and 1 near the exit from the venue).

Whenever you host an event you need to take the opportunity to issue a call to action for your attendees. The right time might be after a moving speech about the service your non-profit provides. But it should be something people can act on in the next five minutes – capitalizing on the feelings and energy present. Perhaps they might send a text or email to a policymaker, or sign a pledge, or offer their email addresses. Or donate!

And don't forget to ask each guest to complete a Gift Aid form, as this can add an extra 25% to the original donation.

Keep out of hot water!

Please ensure your event runs safely and smoothly. You will not wish to incur loss, damage or injury as a result of fundraising. Depending on the venue, check out the insurance cover you might require.

Take care when serving hot drinks, particularly around young children. Always ensure any food you're providing has been stored at an appropriate temperature, hygienically prepared and thoroughly cooked. 

After the washing up...

Don't forget to thank everyone involved – from those who attended your Tea-party fundraiser to those who helped you promote it. Let them know how it went and how much they helped to raise for your non-profit. And, of course, put it in “positive impact” language which tells specifically what your charity will achieve with the funds raised.  Include a photo of your party and a paragraph on the specific ‘positive impact' the funds raised will deliver. Send to news outlets, post them on social media or email to all – we'd love to hear about it at TEAinTEXAS.

Contact us for Tea-party fundraiser planning assistance and supplies.  First 30 minute phone consultation is free, schedule your appointment with Event Services at 832-955-1767. 

Planning a Tea Party? Start with these goodies that serve 16+.